TiTe (the Guild of Information Technology, Tampereen TietoTeekkarikilta in Finnish) is one of the many guilds (subject organisations) of Tampere University. Every guild is targeted for a specific field of study. The guild’s website is available here.
Our guild room is located in the basement of Tietotalo, and it is almost always open 24/7. It's a great place for studying, hanging out, getting to know your fellow students or getting a little snack. The guild room has a number of consoles (including an Xbox 360 and an XBONE), some board games, PCs intended for the guild members, different vending machines, magazines and our very own Tekken 3 arcade machine.
TiTe organises various events for its members throughout the year. Most frequently, our events consist of sauna evenings, LAN parties, excursions (study trips), sitsis (academic dinner parties) and recruitment expos. We also have a number of sports activities available - for example, the guild offers weekly sports shifts for playing floorball and badminton.
You can access all of the guild’s benefits and events by becoming a member. The membership fee is 5 euros, and membership lasts for one year. You can pay the membership fee at the guild room once you have started your studies.
The guild is run by our very own board and officials. The board consists of around 40 volunteer workers, who we can thank for providing the services of our guild.
As a new student, you must have a lot of questions.
Hopefully the following explanations and advice make it easier to adapt to the new university and our guild.
You can also ask questions directly from fuksi captains and tutors. Telegram is a good way of communication.
Before the beginning of the semester it's obviously a good thing to find yourself an apartment for making your studies possible.
You can find yourself a student apartment from TOAS or from POAS. Getting a one-room flat from TOAS will take longer than getting a shared flat.
If you're already living in Finland, you can register as a student ahead of time and send your student card application during the summer. This makes moving around the campus easier in the autumn and you'll be able to utilize the student benefits starting from the orientation week. More tips regarding the start of your stuides from Tuni's official info packet here!
You can join the guild's Telegram channels already before your studies begin. You should also start reading your school email every day from the beginning of the orientation week.
There you'll get important information and announcements regarding to your study program and the guild. The course personnel will be using email to let you know of anything important related to their courses, and tutors might send emails to their tutee groups.
TiTe's summer meeting will be held at Vallitun leirikeskus 28.6. - 30.6.
All members of TiTe are welcome to the guild's summer meeting! This includes also the fuksis (first year students)!
Excited about arriving to the university? Do you want to have a smooth landing to your fuksi year? Take a headstart to the year!
Arrive in front of the store center Duo on Sunday 18.8. at 18.00 (Hervannan valtaväylä side (eastern side))! After a short trip around Hervanta we will head to the front lawn of the university to hang out! There will be some casual hanging out and great company!
During the orientation week there'll be an official schedule and unofficial events organized by the guild and the tutors.
The unofficial activities are related to getting to know the practicalities of the campus and getting to know other fuksis in social evenings. So reserve time outside of the introduction lectures on the orientation week!
Telegram is an instant messenger (IM) similar to WhatsApp, which
is widely used at Tampere University. It works on every platform,
it’s faster than WhatsApp and also has many cool features.
Telegram is a great way to keep contact with your friends, tutors
and fuksi captains!
By following these simple steps, you can start to use Telegram:
Download the client for your operating system from here. If you don’t want to download anything, you can also use Telegram through your browser on web.telegram.org.
Register yourself as a user by following the instructions.
Join the TiTe fuksis 2024 announcements channel https://t.me/fuksitiedotus24
Fuksi captains are responsible for the comfort and happiness of the guild’s fuksis (first year students).
To organise the world's best fuksi year for the new students at Tampere University, the guilds’ fuksi captains (at TiTe, the übertutor, two national fuksi captains and the international fuksi captain) organize many different kinds of fun events. At the events fuksis can get to know each other, the university and the guild.
New students can contact fuksi captains whenever they have questions from finding a student apartment to beating boredom and everything in between. You can send an email to fuksi@tietoteekkarikilta.fi.
The international fuksi captain and the head of international affairs are here to help international students integrate better with Finnish student life and culture, along with the tutors. While nearly all of the guild’s activities are open to international students, there are also events organised specifically in English (such as the board game evenings, organised through the schoolyear). If you have any suggestions for activities or would just like to ask questions on the guild, student life, or Finland in general, feel free to send an email to international@tietoteekkarikilta.fi
Welcome to TiTe! My name is Elle and I’m one of the national fuksi captains. You’ve made an excellent choice by coming here to study, and fuksi year will surely be an unforgettable experience. We'll be seeing a lot over the next year, so feel free to come and talk, and don't hesitate to send a message anytime. See you in Hervanta!! <3
Hi! My name is Mikael, and I am this year's übertutor for TiTe! Together with the fuksiteam, Sanni, Elle, and Anssi, our job is to organize an amazing fuksi year for you! Make sure to make the most of your fuksi year, and if you have any questions, we are here to help! Welcome to TiTe, and see you at the orientation!
Hello and welcome to study Information Technology at Tampere University! My name is Sanni, I’m a third year student and one of Tietoteekkari guild’s fuksi captains. I will take care of mainly Finnish fuksis and their everyday worries during the first year with the people presented on this page. However if you are wondering anything about studies or just want to chat, I’m here for you. See you in August!
Hi there! I’m Jemina and I am TiTe’s Head of International Affairs. First of all, welcome to our university and our guild! There is something I have learned during my student life and it is that there is always space for everyone, so I am sure you will find that little something in time. We, the board, are here to help and make that possible, so don’t hesitate in reaching out if you have any questions or even if you want to say hi :) Hope to see ya around!
Hello! I’m Anssi and I am your International Fuksi Captain. I will help you to get through your first year at Tampere University with the help of Mikael, Sanni and Elle! You can come to us about anything and we will help you as much as we can. Fuksi year is a once in a lifetime experience, so remember to enjoy it to the fullest! See you in autumn! :)
New students are divided to tutor groups in the beginning of the school year, which are led by degree programme’s tutors.
If you have something on your mind, you can always ask your tutor
about it! If they don’t know how to answer, they will at least
know who you should contact to get the answer. We asked the
following questions from the tutors:
1. What year are you starting next autumn?
2. How did you end up at TiTe?
3. What's your best memory from your own fuksi year?
4. Onko maapallo litteä vai pyöreä? Perustele. // Is the earth flat or round? Why?
5. Best thing about your tutor pair(s)?
6. What's the best thing about studying IT?
7. Would you rather take 300€ or go on a trip abroad with fuksi captains?
Fuksi means freshman in Finnish. All firs year university students in Finland are called fuksis. At Tampere university fuksis will become Teekkaris after being dipped in Tammerkoski during wappu (Labor day) on the 1st of May.
The guild's fuksi captains are responsible for making the first year of university as unforgettable as possible by organizing events where new students get to know each other and the university.
Tutors are at least 2nd year students who help all new students to get started at the university. New students will be divided into tutor groups and each group will have 2 or 3 tutors who will introduce the university to the group. Also, different kinds of smaller events will be organized in these groups.
If you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask your tutors, they are happy to help you. Even if they don't know the answer to your question, they can always lead you to someone who knows, or they can find out the answer for you.
TiTe organizes different kinds of events throughout the year, such as sauna evenings, parties, LAN-parties, excursions and sitsis (google sittning). The events are a great opportunity to get to know new people and have fun. The guild also has a weekly sport slot at Bommari, where floorball and other sports can be played. Most of the events are free of charge, but some may require a small participation fee. More information on events will be provided via email and on the guild's website.
The guild room is located down the stairs behind Tietotalo infodesk. It is a great place to relax, have a cup of coffee and hang out with friends. The guild's very comfortable sofas offer a perfect place to chill during lecture breaks, and the vending machines will provide some snacks if needed. There is also a big TV, Xbox360, XBONE, board games, magazines, computers, and Tekken 3 Arcade at the guild room for the members of the guild. You can join the guild by paying the membership fee (5€) at the guild room.
University students in Finland wear student overalls in university related events. Each degree program has their own color of overalls, TiTe has stylish black ones. A group of fuksis will organize the order of overalls during the autumn. Follow your email to make sure you don't miss it!
Fuksi passports will be handed out during the first days of university. The idea of the passport is to collect “fuksi points” by attending events and doing (fun) tasks at the campus. Fuksi captains or the organizing party will stamp your passport at the event. Fuksi points are needed in order to get dipped in Tammerkoski during wappu. Teekkari dipping is an old tradition of teekkaris in Tampere, where fuksis get dipped in the waters of Tammerkoski to become teekkaris.
Other important terms that you will hear during your studies: